Mike Cooper
If elected, I will challenge the Council on its responsibility to reduce health inequalities and on its climate change actions
Bridget Cooper

I would conduct myself as a councillor to the same standards and values I upheld in my life and career.
Bob Morgan

Bob was born in Beverley and served in the RAF before joining the Met police.
Gill Healy

Gill was born in the East Riding and has lived here all her life.
Chris Healy

Now living in Fridaythorpe, he understands the needs and concerns of both rural and urban communities.
Gill Leek
We desperately need a change in Politics in this country from one of greed and profit to one of compassion & care for each other & the natural environment.
Paul West

I have been a Town and East Riding Council for Pocklington so have experience of local Government. I now wish to move back to my home area and serve it on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
Leo Hammond

I am very passionate about our community and area, and am a councillor to give something back to the area and community which raised me.
Derek Carey

Having joined the Conservative Party over 30 years ago, I have a long and privileged history of supporting the Wolds Weighton area.