Mike Cooper
If elected, I will challenge the Council on its responsibility to reduce health inequalities and on its climate change actions
Bridget Cooper

I would conduct myself as a councillor to the same standards and values I upheld in my life and career.
Dr Liam Derek Henry Draycott
I decided to stand as a candidate because I have the skills, drive, and determination to fight for the betterment of our community and bring about the change we need. I will strain every fibre and sinew for you and the ward, if you lend me your vote and give me the opportunity to serve […]
Dafydd AP-Williams

I grew up in this area and wherever I have lived in the UK, I have still always called Pocklington and the surrounding villages ‘home’. I am so happy to be living back here again and I would love to get the chance to give something back to a community that has done so much […]
Richard Bryon

I have been a Councillor on Pocklington Town Council for a combined total of twelve years, so I have learned how local government works which is very important to know if elected as a Ward Councillor.