The initial promotional material has been released for the Woldgate School development. A planning application will be submitted before the end of February.
Unfortunately the information pack does not include details of how many pupils the school will be able to accommodate once complete.
The majority of the existing buildings are being replaced with new modern buildings, with the exception of the Sixth Form block which will be retained and incorporated into the proposed scheme.
This redevelopment of Woldgate School & Sixth Form College is funded by the Department for Education as part of the School Rebuilding Programme. The proposed development includes a new Main Teaching Building, a new Sports Building and outdoor sports provision including landscaping.
The new school will include an atrium, auditorium, library, cutting-edge laboratories, computer suites, classrooms, and sports facilities, providing cutting-edge learning facilities and resources for the children of Pocklington and surrounding villages. A resource that will also be accessible to primary schools for children of all ages.
The school also intends that outside of school hours, local residents and clubs will be able to use the new school and sports facilities. The access arrangements will remain as existing but the number of parking spaces is increasing to 159, including 7 accessible spaces. There will also be new cycle shelters with parking for 80 cycles. The parking area will be reconfigured to create parking for 14 coaches and a drop off zone with 7 spaces for parents/carers.
The proposals will ensure continuity of facilities for the school during the build process, including the retention of the existing buildings whilst the new buildings are built without the need for temporary accommodation.
The new school buildings will be designed to tackle climate change through being Net Zero Carbon in Operation (NZCiO).
The school is holding a drop–in event at the school for anyone who wants to find out more or would like to ask any questions about the proposals. The session will run from 4pm to 7pm on 7th February 2023.
You can view the plans here:
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The Pocklington Bugle