I confess to being a bit nosey. When I see comments from people saying the local community should take over ownership of Burnby Hall I think what a good idea. Then I think about the practicalities including costs.
This is why I wrote to ERYC Director of Finance, Julian Neilson on 21 December 2022 to ask some detailed questions about costs associated with Burnby Hall (the building not the gardens). To date I have not received any response.
On 16 December I wrote to Cllr Medini, the portfolio holder for leisure and two council officers requesting an update on plans announced by Cllr D Sykes to buy a site for a new leisure centre. Once again I have not received any reply.
Last week I wrote to the press office but recived no response. Today I have rung them 6 times and every time the line was busy.
What the chuff is going on!
The majority of e mails to Pocklington Provincial Ward Cllrs go unanswered. When I did get a response before Christmas Cllr Kay West stipulated that I could not share her response with anyone.
I am not alone and have heard from many other groups including Pocklington Town Council that they also have great difficulty getting any information from ERYC.
So what are they hiding. Why are they afraid of giving facts about issues which local residents have a right to know.
I’m so hacked off that I have now submitted 2 ‘Freedom of Information Requests’. I’ll see how it goes.
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