Earlier this year, following a three-year feasibility study, the Stewarts Trust at Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum decided not to proceed with a plan to take on responsibility for Burnby Hall under the offer of an asset transfer from the East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

Plans originally included the use of the building for a variety of community purposes, including office rental and the creation of a bespoke museum to house Iron Age artefacts found locally. However, following the engagement of a consultant, the creation of a business plan, and lengthy discussions, within the Trust and with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, it was decided not to proceed.

Trust Chairman Chris Clubley said:

“It was always a balance of ensuring that any new project including the hall would never be to the detriment of the existing Gardens and Museum which has been successfully run by the Stewarts Trust since 1964.

We explored all options, considered the cost implications to the Trust, and, most recently, factored in the potential rising cost of utilities and servicing costs for the building, and we sadly reached the conclusion that to take on the hall as part of our estate would not be viable.”

This decision will in no way affect the current operation of the Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum as a visitor attraction in Pocklington.

Responsibility for the hall building remains with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council who will ultimately decide its future, and the Stewarts Trust wish Pocklington Town Council and their partners every success with their recently announced working party to explore the viability of retaining the building as a community asset for the town.

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