When the installation of a new bus shelter in Station Road was first discussed by Pocklington Town Council there was talk of also installing an electrical supply to power a new ‘real time’ information screen. This has not yet been installed.
When this was queried at the last town council meeting the clerk explained that a power supply would need to be installed by electricians working for ERYC street lighting department who were ‘snowed under’. They had only recently replaced the old sodium lights on West Green car park with LED’s after a two year wait. The team responsible are short staffed and there is a ban on recruiting new people.
At the last full ERYC council meeting Wolds Weighton Cllr Leo Hammond stated that:
East Riding Council is NOT going bankrupt and we are NOT cutting services.
It makes me wonder when is a cut a cut? Is it when you stop delivering a service completely or is it when you slowly starve it of funds and the ability to replace staff. This feels like salami slicing which always impacts the delivery of services to the council tax payer.
Maybe Cllr Hammond needs to be honest instead of practising his spinning skills.
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