Cllr Paul West.

Having reported in October that ERYC highways department had no plans to repair the footpath along West Green between the town centre and Amos Drive, it appears that engineers have had a change of heart after pressure from the Pocklington ward councillors.

Having now surveyed the footpath ERYC are thinking about starting repair work sometime this year. However….. there are also plans to resurface the road along West Green sometime this millenium. This lead to an interesting discussion at the last PTC meeting because the pavement needs some serious work doing. In addition to resurfacing the path really needs levelling so that it doesn’t slope toward the road and drainage needs to be improved to get rid of standing water which is sprayed across the footpath by vehicles.

Ward Councillors agreed to speak to the highways department again to ensure that all issues are addressed, and money isn’t wasted resurfacing the footpath which might then need to be replaced when the road is resurfaced.

Thankfully former Pocklington Ward Cllr Paul West (the one who couldn’t name a local road that needed resurfacing) now oversees the highways department so we can expect to see a logical coordinated plan about April 1st.

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