Update on Pocklington Banking

On Wednesday evening local councillors discussed banking provision in Pocklington following the announc,ment about the closure next June of the HSBC branch.

Ward Cllr David Sykes reminded everyone where the existing ATMS are but Town Councillors emphasised the issue of a potential lack of face to face banking facilities for businesses and individuals not just in Pocklington but surrounding villages.Cllr sykes said that as part of an agreement between the banks and building societies, following the closure of any bank branch, LINK, the UK’s Cash Access and ATM network, will identify whether a community requires further cash services.

It would seem the HSBC announcement triggered a Link assessment to gauge the need for a banking hub in Pocklington. The review was completed on 8th December, and it has been recommended that Pocklington qualifies for a ‘cash action group pilot’.

For info: The Community Access to Cash Pilots is an independent initiative supported by the major banks, consumer groups, and groups representing small businesses. It is supporting communities across the UK to trial and test scalable solutions to help keep cash sustainable.

The mayor has also been liaising with ERYC and there is to be a meeting in the New Year to discuss future banking provision as a matter of urgency.

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