As I recently reported, Cllr David Gough failed to persuade his fellow councillors to support his proposal to ask a solicitor to write to the former clerk and councillors about the decisions they had made about the village Hall. He also failed to gain support to make a complaint to the charity commission.

Despite these setbacks he seems to be determined to pursue his personal vendetta against the former Parish Council clerk and former chairman Robert Ducker.

In his latest rant on a public social media discussion group, he accuses the former clerk and chairman of destroying large amounts of data. These are the copied and pasted words of Spartan (Cllr David Gough)

we have just discovered that an nda (gagging order exists in our parish council council ) the last chairman and clerk where involved the clerk has now destroyed large amounts of data found to have lied to councillors broken multiple standing orders ,refused to comply with FOI requests and gdpr fortunately she is now gone but attempts are been made to cover up her antics that i will not accept actions have consequencesi will propose at the next meeting that we as a council should have no involvement in nda agreements and will expose any we discover as they are incompatible with public life and contrary to the nolan principles i will aks for a vote and resolution to this
so does anyone support NDAs in this setting or have links or info that shows how nasty they can be any help would be appreciated

It is my understanding that there is no NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement). I would be happy to be proved wrong when Cllr Gough produces the document as evidence.

Cllr Gough has never produced any evidence to prove that anyone destroyed any data.This feels to me like bullying and character assassination of the worst kind.

Cllr Gough mentions the Nolan Principles but he himslef  has not responded to any of my many requests for evidence to support his spurious claims. The council have failed to respond to three of my FOI requests.

The chairman Victor Lambert has accused me of infringing his human rights by asking questions and has instructed me to cease all communications with him.

It seems the Nolan Principles of openness and transparency apply to everyone else except the current Shiptonthorpe Councillors.

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