Retiring Cllr David Sykes was the only ward cllr to attend last nights meeting of Pocklington Town Council.

He said that things were winding down before the election and only had one item to report on. Communication.

The council is to look at how to improve communications with Town, Parish Councils and residents. The council wants to improve digital communications with residents when they try and report something. Eg potholes or fallen trees. The committee will publish their report in June.

The mayor asked if they would be taking into consideration the Town & Parish Charter dated November 2021 which states:

“ERYC and Town Councils need to communicate efficiently to ensure that each is providing the best possible service to residents. ERYC will endeavour to respond to clerk’s enquiries quickly, and town councils, will address their enquiries digitally.

Ward councillors are recognised as important conduits for communication and are committed to working effectively for the benefit of residents.
With a charter already in place why does ERYC feel the need for a new subcommittee report. All they have to do is implement what is already there!”

The charter was drawn up by a committee chaired by Cllr Kay West. If you have read any of my posts you will know she isn’t great at responding to e mails and even when she does tells me that I am not allowed to share them with Bugle readers.

She is clearly setting a great example.

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