Following recent coverage in the Bugle and e mails from parents, primary school headteachers, Ward Councillors and Parish Councils to the Wolds Learning Partnership the Headteacher of Woldgate School, Mr Sloman, has written to primary school headteachers to assure them that ALL children living within the schools existing catchment area (be they non-denominational, Church of England or other) will be entitled to a place in year 7 at Woldgate School.
He has reassured parents that there has been no intention to restrict the number of places available for local children, quite the opposite and that the following actions will be put in place:
1. Admit up to 240 pupils into year 7 each year.
2. Guarantee that all pupils who live within the catchment area and attend a catchment area primary school can secure a place in Year 7.
3. Meet with local elected leaders to request additional funding to ensure the school receives appropriate funding from new build developments to provide additional capacity.
4. Work with all local primary schools to provide the best possible pastoral and academic transition to Woldgate School
5. Warmly welcome any school (non-denominational, Church of England or other) wishing to join the Wolds Learning Partnership.
All the above sounds like good news and reassuring for parents. It makes you wonder why they are changing the rules.
A reminder that the proposed revised admissions criteria gives a higher priority to pupils who attend a WLP school.
Criterion (iii) – Places will next be allocated to children who have attended a named WLP trust school (a primary or junior school that is part of the Wolds Learning Partnership),
Criterion (iv) – Places will next be allocated to children who live in the school’s designated catchment area.
Interesting that the letter comes from the headteacher rather than a spokesperson for the corporate and faceless Wolds Learning Partnership.
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The Pocklington Bugle