Pocklington Town Council (PTC) agreed to make the town a Nature Recovery Area.
The government and wildlife organisations tell us that climate change, loss of habitat, pollution and extensive use of pesticides are destroying our biodiversity. Human activity is a primary cause of this.
But, by making relatively small individual changes, together people can make a big difference to help wildlife survive and thrive.
Pocklington Mayor, Cllr Roly Cronshaw said:
“We are facing not only a climate crisis but also a diversity crisis. It seems that the only way to address these crises locally is by unleashing the power of partnership in the Pocklington Community and surrounding area. By taking part in joint community projects, we can all play our part. Every little helps, no matter how small. Get engaged!”
On Saturday 11th May 2024 PTC in partnership with local environmental group Greener Pocklington, will be running a “Go Wild in Pocklington” Nature Recovery Event.
The event will build on work already being done by the many community groups involved in nature and sustainability; progress delivery of the environmental policies set out in the Pocklington Neighbourhood Plan and Biodiversity Duty; and launch further action to help reverse the decline in our wildlife.
The event will be in The Community Hall, Burnby Hall, The Balk, Pocklington YO42 2QQ. Starting at 9.45am and finishing at 4.00pm. Entry is free and people are invited to drop in at any point in the programme that interests them.
Cllr Ged Leach said:
“The event aims to get as many people as possible in Pocklington and the surrounding area, doing things on an ongoing basis to produce a more wildlife friendly, and consequently more people friendly, environment”.
The event will provide something of interest to all the family and make helping wildlife fun. It will even have lively music performed by local musicians to add to the atmosphere of enjoyment.
There will be interesting, practically orientated presentations by experts on what we can do about wildlife conservation, how we can tackle climate change, how to make our homes more sustainable, how to propagate nature friendly plants and on hedgehog care and conservation.
There will be information stalls and displays provided by local community groups, as well as demonstrations, practical activities such as willow weaving, building bug hotels, setting up hedgehog houses and nature-based quizzes. Engaging children in this is important to its success.
Tony Flavell, Chair of Greener Pocklington said:
“At Greener Pocklington we love working with individuals, groups, and councils to help our local nature and wildlife. Every garden, yard, community space, and school count just as much as the countryside, and is an important part of making the future better. You are welcome to drop into this event we are running with Pocklington Town Council to say hello, and to see what is going on and how easy it is to make a positive difference.”
Further information can be obtained from Cllr Ged Leach at [email protected]
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The Pocklington Bugle