Yesterdays results from the referendum for the Pocklington Neighbourhood Plan (PNP). The Plan (which includes the Design Guide and Codes) was overwhelmingly passed, with 1,239 votes in favour, 62 votes against and 2 rejected papers, a turnout of 15.46%. With this result, which is binding, the East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) is expected to adopt (in planning terminology “make”) the Neighbourhood Plan at its next possible full Council meeting, after which it will be used by ERYC to assess planning applications in Pocklington.

The neighbourhood plan steering group and the town council are very pleased to have this opportunity to thank the many people and groups who have contributed towards the PNP.
Firstly, we thank the people of Pocklington who both generously completed the survey sent to households in April 2019 and commented on drafts of the Plan during its preparation. The survey data they provided was the largest single body of evidence used by the steering group in formulating the plan and was crucial in designing its policies. The steering group also thanks a number of other stakeholders, including local schools, businesses and tradespeople who provided valuable evidence.

Next, we thank the steering group members, Town Councillors and the Town Clerk for the continuing support they have given to the PNP in the considerable period that the project has been running. The membership of the steering group has evolved considerably over the life of the project, over time about 30 different local people have been involved, with at any one time up to 10. Skills, experience and knowledge have been generously given, all reflected in the final Plan.

We give special thanks to the planning consultant, Richard Wood of RWA Associates who has worked with the steering group and the Town Council. His work and professional expertise has contributed greatly to the Plan.
We also thank ERYC staff who have at times both attended steering group meetings to assist it and have also advised the steering group on the procedural aspects of the project.

We prepared the Pocklington Neighbourhood Plan to help improve the quality and design of future development in Pocklington, in keeping with the town’s special character and appearance. We expect developers to use it and the Design Guide and Codes when they are preparing planning applications and we expect ERYC to use them when they are assessing planning applications. It falls to the Town Council to monitor this.

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