The headmasters of Woldgate and Pocklington Junior Schools have written to parents to raise their concerns about a strategic lack of investment in their schools.

As previously reported in the Bugle they have confirmed that the Woldgate redevelopment does not allow for expansion to cater for the growing population of Pocklington. They confirm that Woldgate School has been oversubscribed since 2017.

The heads say that they have not been invited to any consultation to ensure that public services and infrastructure receive the necessary support and investment to accommodate the new homes. Neither have they received any additional direct funding from local housing developers even though developers have offered to fund enhancements but have been blocked from doing so.

It has been calculated that the schools will need around £800,000 of additional funding to meet current and planned growth.

In addition, no funding has been forthcoming to create cycle routes to Woldgate school or pedestrian crossings to both schools.

The headmasters have asked community representatives to work with the school to secure assurances that investment in schools and children becomes a priority.

All of this raises some interesting issues about our local authority, the ERYC, and the way they apply their planning regulations. On the other hand becuase the schools are now part of an academy maybe they have to ask the DofE for the funding

You can reade the letter to parents here. Parents Letter

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