Pocklington Flu Vaccination Rates Above UK Average
Last week Cllr Paul West told Pocklington Town council that whilst the uptake of Covid vaccine in the East Riding has been good flu vaccinations levels are low.
I did a bit more research and it looks as if the statement from Cllr West does not match reality here in Pocklington. If he had checked with Pocklington Group Practice, he would have discovered that the Pocklington surgery and other providers have vaccinated 5,976 patients with flu vaccine. The table below shows that the vaccination rate for patients registered at PCG is well above national levels and the Humber & North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board..
I’m no expert but I wouldn’t describe the Pocklington take up as low. (I would welcome comments from group members who know a lot more about this than me)
Pocklington group Practice still have vaccine available for all cohorts and patients can ring for an appointment. It is also important for patients to let them know if you decline the vaccine.