Earlier this week a Bugle reader tipped me off that he had been told that there wasn’t enough pressure in the existing water mains to serve the new Gladman development of 380 new homes on the Balk. In order to resolve the issue Yorkshire Water would have to lay a new 20 mile long water main into the town.
Given the fact that Yorkshire Water gave the green light to the development without raising any issues about supply capacity this sounded like a bit of a tall story but one worth further investigation.
I reached out to Barratt and David Wilson Homes who are developing the site and a spokesperson today provided the following statement:
“We are working with Yorkshire Water to ensure that there is a reliable supply of water to residents at our new development in Pocklington.
The upgrade work will involve Yorkshire Water upgrading offsite water mains and we have already established a connection to supply water to a quarter of the development, well ahead of homes being sold to customers.
Further works will be required to establish a water supply to fully service the remainder of the development and we expect this to be completed by March 2025, again in advance of it being required by customers moving on to the development.”
I am awaiting a response from Yorkshire Water.
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The Pocklington Bugle