Despite objections from Pocklington Town Council a planning application for a new house in the garden of an existing property at 9 The Mile, Pocklington has been given the go ahead by East Yorkshire planners.

As previously reported in the Bugle the Town Council objected stating that

“the remaining garden for number 9 The Mile is not of a sufficient size to provide the residents with the necessary amenity space. This is therefore an overdevelopment. This area of the town was developed along the principals of a garden village. A dwelling in this area will detract from the character of this part of the town. “

In granting outline permission the planning committee said:

The site is within the development limits of Pocklington which is a town which would be a local focus for housing. Pocklington is an established settlement with amenities including bus routes, schools and shopping facilities. As such the principle of development is acceptable in accordance with Policy S3 of the local plan.

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