About 25 members of the public plus councillors and police attended last nights town meeting at the arts centre.
The first item on the agenda was the East Riding Council proposal to install seating and planters in the area surrounding the Jubilee Monument between Deans Lane and St Peter’s Square, which currently provides eight standard parking bays and one motorcycle bay.
The idea was explained by two officers from ERYC who came armed with artists impressions showing how the area could look.
I think it’s fair to say that the proposal was not well received by the majority of those present with only three people saying it was a good idea.
There were worries that the seating could encourage anti social behaviour at night but the main concern was the loss of car parking spaces. Business owners said that the loss of parking spaces would severely impact their business and that the town needed more parking not less.
The staff from county hall said that if parking at West Green car park, the one at the library end of the school, was limited to 4 hours then this would partly address the loss of spaces but people were not convinced.
It’s worth pointing out that ERYC came up with the idea because Market Street is allegedly down for resurfacing next year and they thought this was an opportunity to enhance the town. Personally I think they should be congratulated for not just pressing ahead with the resurfacing work without thinking about enhancements.
The survey is open until 6 May 2024.If a decision was being made based on comments made last night then I don’t think the scheme will go ahead but….. you can have your say by completing the council survey by following THIS LINK
The survey is open until 6 May 2024.
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The Pocklington Bugle