In the Shiptonthorpe Village newsletter dated October 2023, PC Chairman Victor Lambert wrote that the Shiptonthorpe Parish Council had complained about non compliance issues to the Information Commissioners Office and East Riding Council.
The outcome is now known and as it’s unlikely that Cllr Victor Lambert will provide any information, I am happy to update residents.
The Information Commissioners Office has responded:
“We have considered the information you have provided and we have determined that no further action by the ICO is necessary on this occasion.
Your correspondence states that, while you are not able to explicitly confirm that data has been deleted due to the nature of the incident, you believe that the majority of the lost data relates to internal councillor interaction. This suggests a lower likelihood of risk of harm or detriment than if documents or data relating to parishioners or members of the public had been deleted”.
The East Riding Monitoring Officer has stated to me that:
“generally, we are unable to accept complaints about Parish Clerks. Complaints about individuals who are no longer Councillors (at the time of receipt of a complaint) would usually be ‘filtered’ out by the Monitoring Officer, in accordance with the Standards Committee’s adopted process/procedures”.
On 31 May 2023 the internal auditor for SPC reported:
I confirm that I have no relationship or interest, financial or otherwise, with any member or officer of the council.
Richard Dixon
In summary:
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The Pocklington Bugle