Pocklington Town Councillors, who are all volunteers, are appealing to Pocklington folk for help to save Burnby Hall for the Community.

East Riding council are the current custodians of Burnby Hall but in order to save money have made it known that they wish to divest themselves of the property, including the Community Hall, possibly by selling to developers. They have considered a Community Asset Transfer to Pocklington Town Council and the community, providing an acceptable business plan can be developed and proof of necessary funding provided before the end of October.

Several local organisations have already expressed an interest in either helping or becoming a tenant. This includes local charities and The Pocklington Heritage Society who would like to establish a museum in the building to display the many local artefacts which have been discovered in the area.

Pocklington Mayor Roly Cronshaw says:

“In 1912 the Steward family left the Hall in trust to the people of Pocklington.
“Burnby Hall was originally gifted to the people of Pocklington by the Stewart family but over time ownership was transferred to the then Rural District Council, later to become part of East Riding of Yorkshire Council, l continued ownership. The Town Council thinks the Hall should be a community asset but as we are a small team of 13 voluntary councillors, we cannot do this alone. We need the help and support of the local community to complete the circle and retain and run the Hall in the future”.

Although the town council are happy to take the lead at this stage, they are appealing to local people with relevant expertise to help them move the project forward. They are looking for people with knowledge and experience of:

  • Finance
  • Project Management
  • DDA compliance
  • Building Management
  • Legal expertise
  • Architects
  • Fundraising
  • Building
  • Health & safety


PTC look forward to welcoming everyone with an interest in the future of Burnby Hall, including potential donors, tenants and those willing to donate their time and expertise to the project can find out more at the public meeting taking place on Tuesday 8th August at 7pm at the Community Hall, Burnby Lane.

If you cannot attend the meeting, you can find out more by e mailing [email protected] or telephoning 01759 304851

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