In the middle of July I wrote about how Shiptonthorpe Parish Council had decided to discuss my correspondence about a recent complaint to the Information Commissioners office in confidence without members of the public being present.

Given that they were unable to provide any evidence to substantiate a series of claims made about the former council and parish clerk, I wanted to know what plans they had to correct the public record on their website.

I wrote on 7th May and on 8th May Chairman Lambert responded:

“Shiptonthorpe Parish Council will formally view your stated opinions based on your interpretation of the information provided and duly provide a response.
We are a corporate body and therefore need to respond accordingly and will do so in due course, again as advised to the ICO.”

To date I have received no response. When I e mailed them today my e mail bounced back from the chairman and deputy chairman.

It would seem that in the secret part of their meeting they simply decided to ignore me and put a block on my e mails.

Unable to substantiate their claims it would seem that they have ditched their policy to be more transparent.

The story so far:
Cllr David Gough and others have accused the former council and clerk of:

  • wasting money
  • making decisions in secret
  • planning to increase the annual rental for the village hall
  • placing unreasonable conditions on the village hall committee
  • destroying data and e mails
  • deceit
  • lying
  • suppressing the truth
  • running up excessive legal costs

Not one iota of evidence has yet been provided to justify any of the above claims yet they remain on the councils website for all to see.

Faced with scrutiny they have decided to cease all communication with me. Which doesn’t really surprise me but it says a lot about them.

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