Pocklington Town Council has published the results of the recent online survey which asked for opinions about the future of Burnby Hall. Click here to download it.

The document only includes the data and not comments.

About 10% (1,110 people) of Pocklington residents completed the survey which is quite a respectable response to this type of initiative.

These are the headlines:

  • People who would like to see the hall expanded as a community resource. 1,079
  • Interested in renting office space 235
  • Would make a donation or volunteer 564
  • Number of respondents who are involved with community groups 357
  • Number of charities and community groups included in survey 20+


There was a strong interest from local charities about using the hall with 56 respondents saying they agree or strongly agree that the charity they lead or volunteer with have an interest in using the Hall in the future.

You can now share this information via social media, e mail or print.