In their 3rd newsletter in 4 years local conservatives have made several claims including one that they oppose Burnby Hall being sold off by their own Council which they control. Figure that one out.

Cllr Kay West states in the newsletter she wants to retain it as a community asset but what has she done? Here are some facts.

  • The Pocklington Heritage Trust raised concerns about the future of Burnby Hall with Pocklington Town Council late in 2022.
  • In December 2022 PTC asked Ward Cllrs to organise a meeting with officers to discuss their plans to sell the building.
  • January 2023 PTC met with Council officers. Cllr Kay West attended but has not communicated with PTC since that meeting. All dialogue has been through Cllr P West who will not be standing as a Pocklington provincial ward Cllr in May.
  • January 2023 PTC announce the setting up of a working group to discuss how Burnby Hall might remain as a community asset. PTC pressed ERYC for a timescale but nothing concrete was agreed.
  • To date, despite the best efforts of PTC, East Riding Council officers have not agreed to a further meeting although there is talk about another conversation by the end of the week to try and arrange a meeting.
  • Burnby Hall was the main topic of discussion at the Town Meeting on 5th April. Neither Conservative candidate was present, nor have they engaged with the town council since January.


I wrote to Cllr K West, Andy Burton and Cllr Leo Hammond to ask for comment on this story. Only Cllr Hammond responded as follows:

“I can confirm it is the official stance of both the Pocklington Provincial and Wolds Weighton Conservative Councillors/candidates to see Burnby Hall retained as a publicly owned community asset for Pocklington and the surrounding (Wolds Weighton) Villages. We made this absolutely clear to the Director for Planning and Economic Development at ERYC at the meeting you mention alongside the Mayor of Pocklington.”

Cllr Hammond could not however provide any evidence of any Ward Cllr doing anything to save the hall since the meeting three months ago. No meetings have happened, no letters have been written no stakeholders engaged.

He added:

“To be completely honest I am not aware of a single business who has come forward either as part of putting the Hall on the market, or as part of the conversations with ward or town councillors.

So, there you have it. Your current ward Cllrs say they want to save the Hall but have done nothing about it for the last three months. Nothing will happen now until after the May election”.

In summary Conservative Cllrs say Burnby Hall must remain in public ownership but have done nothing for 3 months.

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