Back in December it became apparent that because East Yorkshire Council are strapped for cash they are looking to sell Burnby Hall (The building not the gardens). In addition to income from selling the building/site they could save about £100,000 per year on revenue costs which includes maintenance, utilities and caretaker costs.

You might have already seen a post from Pocklington Town Council asking for anyone who might be interested in taking space in Burnby Hall to step forward to form a steering group to discuss options for trying to ensure the Hall remains as a resource for the people of Pocklington.
The Town Council are being proactive about trying to secure the Hall for the Town but they cannot perform miracles on their own.

So far, the only groups to express and interest are Young People Count, The Peoples Pantry, Pocklington U3A and the Presbyterian Church and of course the Pocklington and District Heritage Trust who would like to establish a new museum.

In addition to the community Hall the building has over 30 offices over two floors plus associated toilets, kitchens and cellars. It could therefore accommodate quite a few organisations and individuals. Probably many more than those who have already expressed and interest.

For this project to fly it will need a strong business case with the necessary funding/income to get off the ground. In addition to annual running costs, cash will also be needed to adapt the existing layout and maintain the exterior.

Will the citizens of Pocklington rise to the occasion with practical solutions and ideas or complain about the fact that various councils have been running it and spending money on it for years and risk it being sold to a developer?

If you have ideas, money or would like to be a tenant please e mail [email protected] before 14 February 2023.

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