There was a big turnout at last Thursday’s special Barmby Moor Parish Council meeting with 158 local residents present to discuss the proposed leisure park development,

The following is based on excerpts from the councils response to the planning application.

A request for a show of hands for those members of the public who supported the proposal was nil. A request for a show of hands for those members of the public who objected to the proposal was 158. This demonstrates the depth of feeling and level of objection from residents of Barmby Moor to the proposed development.

I think it’s fair to say that the council are somewhat forthright in their responses.

These are the highlights:

  • The Applicant states This holiday development would prevent housing being built in this area. To argue that the holiday development has some degree of worthiness because it prevents housing development is bizarre to the point of stupidity.
  • The proposal is totally out of character with the area. It is an horrendous caravan park of little if any architectural merit and has no design connection whatsoever with the adjacent residential properties. It is a grotesque appendage to a much-loved village.
  • A small petting zoo will be created in order to provide activities for visitors. Really? In this day and age, surely, we have moved on from using caged or penned animals for human entertainment. Where is the compassion for animal welfare
  • The application states that the holiday lodges will provide support for local businesses. However, the Applicant provides no evidence for this other that stating the proposal will support the manufacture of holiday lodges some 23 miles away. Hardly a local business. With the proposal including its own shop, café, and bar, as the Applicant states in item 1.6, these provide visitors with their day-today needs. There is no evidence that the proposal will support local businesses.
  • It is entirely possible that the shop, café, bar and holiday accommodation could well take away business from local established entities already providing these services.
  • The Application form states that employment will be full time. However, many of the listed jobs will be seasonal or only valid when the holiday park is open, and many of the services could be contracted out. The Applicant has provided no evidence that the proposal will create full-time employment for 63 people.
  • Much emphasis is made that the proposal is a tourism development. However, it is difficult to see this as such. Two sides of the site are bordered by residential properties, one side by the heavy industrial concrete making plant with its constant daytime noise and dust, and one side by one of the busiest trunk roads in the country with its constant noise and pollution day and night from cars, vans and HGVs that thunder down the road. Although Barmby Moor is surrounded by countryside, none of it is accessible it is all privately owned farmland.
  • The scale of the development compared to Barmby Moor village is huge. The proposal covers some 6.6 hectares. Barmby Moor village within its development limits covers some 12 hectares. The proposal is over half the size of the existing village.
  • Local Plan Policy ENV1 D supports development that maximises the use of decentralised and renewable or very low carbon technologies. The proposal does not include these and therefore is not supported by Local Plan Policy ENV1 D.


There are many more examples of how the proposed development fails to meet the requirements of the Local Plan.

You can see the full submission via this link:…/applicati…

The photograph shows one of the proposed lodges.

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