Humberside Police have finally got round to updating the monthly crime stats for the Pocklington area and the number of reported incidents of anti-social behaviour is the highest since August 2020 when it hit 30.

In June this year a total of 21 anti social behaviour incidents were reported across the Pocklington area. This includes 2 around Stamford Bridge, 2 in Wilberfoss and 17 in and around Pocklington.
The previous peak in recent times was 30 incidents in August 2020.
The current peak could be due to more incidents taking place or more people taking the time and trouble to report such incidents.
Sadly, we do not know if the local Neighbourhood Police Team intend to do anything about this as their last update was in November last year when they were prioritising the prevention and detection of wildlife offences and poaching across the ward area.
Finally, lets not forget that overall Pocklington remains a fairly safe area compared to many other parts of the country.

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