Peoples Pantry

Venue: Pocklington Rugby Club
Address: Feathers Field, Percy Road, Pocklington, EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE YO42 2QB

Support for anyone struggling, financially to buy enough food to feed themselves or their family.

Subscription: None, however we do ask for a small contribution each time you attend to choose your own food items.

Reg charity no: 1195146

Both monetary and food donations are used to benefit anyone in need of our service. we buy fresh fruit and vegetables each week and we use any food, toiletries or cleaning products donated in the people’s pantry to give out to our customers.

We have donation drop off points in Sainsbury’s, Nationwide Building Society and the BP Sewell garage as well as various boxes scattered around the town. In those we take food, pet foods, toiletries, cleaning products, nappies and baby foods/products.

Any monetary donations will be gratefully received and our bank details will be given upon request. Information provided by Heather Davidson.

Every Monday and Wednesday 10am to 2pm

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