Seniors Badminton Club

Venue: Francis Scaife Leisure Centre
Address: 27 Burnby Lane , Pocklington. YO42 2RE

Do you like playing badminton in a friendly mixed social group who play for fun and exercise?

Maybe you used to play and now have the time to start playing again and meet new people. If so why not join the Seniors Badminton Club?

  • New members of any ability are welcome.
  • Any subscription/admission fee.The cost is covered within the new Afternoon Premier Membership, being launched by Francis Scaife from 1 April, 2022, which is just £12-50/month. This membership also gives access to all the Sports Centre activities 7 days a week, from 1 – 4pm, for £12.50 per month.Non members joining the Club and not members of the Afternoon Premier Membership would pay a fee of £4-20 per sessionYour first session is free.

Please contact the Sports Centre desk (Tel. 01759 305052)

Tuesdays and Thursdays 1 till 3pm.

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