Wolds Edge Methodist Church is one church on several local sites, including here at Pocklington. We are a family friendly church and offer a warm welcome to all, and opportunities for faith and friendship. Our desire is to be an attractive, welcoming, church community transforming lives for God.
We meet most Sundays at 11.00am. On the first Sunday each month we have relaxed, café-style ‘Worship 4 All’ (10.30am free teacakes & drinks followed by the service at 11am). We also have services on Zoom; 6pm on Sundays & 9.30am on Thursdays. Messy Church is held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month 3.45-5.45pm plus a wide range of events take place during the week. Up to date details of services & events are on our website, Facebook & Instagram pages.
Meeting times and newsletter are available on the website and Facebook page.
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