Pocklington Camera Club

Venue: United Services Club
Address: Waterloo Square, Pocklington, York YO42 2AG

A group who enjoys exploring and sharing their photography. You do not have to be a photographer to be a member of this club, you just need to have an interest in the hobby. It doesn’t matter what you use to take your photos with iPhone, point and shoot etc. You don’t need to own the most expensive camera equipment to enjoy what the Club has to offer. The Club is about allowing individuals to engage and improve their image-taking.

​We are a widely mixed age group membership who share a great sense of humour as we self-critique our own images in a safe environment. This type of session is invaluable as learning how to improve is the key.

  • When: Thursday at 7.30pm
  • Who can attend: All skill levels welcome.
  • Subscription: £10 per year then £2 per meeting.

Contact via the website.

Information provided by Committee Member, Julian Startup.

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