Pocklington & Barmby Belles BREEZE Cycle Group

Venue: Barmby Moor Village Hall & Pocklington RUFC
Address: Barmby Moor, England YO42 4EN, United Kingdom

BREEZE is a British Cycling [BC] initiative to encourage more women to get back on their bikes. The rides are led by trained cycle leaders called Breeze Champions who plan and post the routes on the BC Lets Ride website with all the details of distance, speed and stating if Easy, Steady or Challenging.

  • Meet at:             Barmby Moor Village Hall & Pocklington RUFC
  • When:                Various evenings in spring / summer at 6.30pm and most Saturday mornings. All the rides are posted on the BC Lets Ride website.
  • Who can join: This is a women specific initiative and open to all who have a roadworthy bike and can ride it! Numbers are limited each ride and it is on a first come first served basis.
  • Subscription: All rides are free.

Information provided by Val French.

0770 313 4034

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