Crafty Chat Pocklington

Venue: The Feathers Hotel
Address: 56 Market Place , Pocklington, East Yorkshire YO42 2AH

A group where people who craft (knit, crochet, embroider, rag rug etc) meet to chat, craft our own projects and share crafty stories, a cuppa and maybe a bite to eat! We also have a Facebook page where we liaise, share tips, our projects and inspirational material (Membership of the Facebook group is not a condition of attending the meeting).

  • Who can attend: over 18’s who craft (under 18’s by request)
  • Fees: No fee for the group or venue but we would encourage you to buy a drink from the pub.

Message via Facebook page.

Wednesday 10am to 12 noon.
Information provided by: D. Jane Clappison & Beverly Lawrence.

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