How it started
Up until the beginning of the pandemic I had never really used any social media sites. I was forced into getting to grips with Facebook when Messenger became the preferred messaging tool for the Covid Volunteer Group.
When things started to open up again I started looking at the local Facebook Groups and it struck me that there was lots of information about but it was not organised and difficult to find. You had to put up a post to ask if there was a Zumba Class or a local WI branch. It also became apparent that there were lots of events going on but no central, easy to find, reference page.
It was at this point I thought about setting up a website to pull all that information together.
So, I read 2 books about building a site and decided to build my own incorporating some of the experience I gained through the Pocklington Bugle Facebook page.
The result is a site which I hope you will find useful and easy to navigate. It’s a bit rough round the edges and it is clear I am no graphic designer but hopefully you’ll find it useful.
If you do, tell your friends. Also, don’t hesitate to let me have any feedback about content, design and features.
Barry Stockdale