Pocklington Canal & Amenity Society

Venue: Melbourne Marina
Address: Melbourne YO42 4QJ

PCAS organises various activities including a weekly working party, boat trips on the canal, occasional evening events and an annual lunch

  • When:     Depends on the activity – Working parties are Tuesday mornings, boat trips can run on any day during the season from Easter to the end of October subject to booking and availability while open trips are run on Sunday afternoons and Bank Holidays
  • Who can attend? Working party and boat crew must belong to PCAS for insurance purposes.
  • Subscription: PCAS has an annual or life membership fee, currently:
  • Annual membership – Individual £15, Family £20
    Life membership – Individual £150, Family £200


E mail:                  Events and Social Media – Debbie Smith – [email protected]
Boat trips – Steve Ashby – [email protected]

Reg charity no: 500637

Donations are used for PCAS’ aims of protecting and restoring the Pocklington Canal.

Donations are collected on boat trips, through the boxes at Canal Head and Melbourne Basin, or can be made to the Treasurer: [email protected]

Information provided by Steve Ashby.

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