East Riding of Yorkshire Council is seeking views on a proposal to create additional pedestrian and public seating space in Market Place, Pocklington.

The area identified for consideration is the car parking surrounding the Jubilee Monument between Deans Lane and St Peter’s Square, which currently provides eight standard parking bays and one motorcycle bay.
Draft design concepts have been produced to illustrate how this space could be used.

This scheme would be funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

East Riding  council would like to know what people think of these concepts and if they would contribute to their future enjoyment of the town centre.

Vehicle access to businesses and St Peter’s Square would be maintained, whilst the designs also include flexibility to support weekly market and town centre events. Pedestrian safety, height restrictions, visibility for vehicles, and the use of suitable materials within the conservation area will all need to be taken into consideration in any final design.

Results from recent parking audits in Pocklington showed that this space could be pedestrianised with minimal impact on parking movements and provision.

The council is planning carriageway improvement works for early 2025 in Pocklington town centre, and these present an opportunity to consider longstanding issues and consider an alternative use for public spaces. The scope of these carriageway improvements will include Market Place, Market Street, Union Street, Railway Street, West Green and The Mile.

The loss of the identified parking bays in Market Place could be alleviated with the introduction of restrictions in West Green car park. Parking audits have shown that there is a low turnover of spaces in this car park to support the town centre, with many bays occupied by the same vehicle for six hours or more during a standard Monday to Friday working week.

Councillor Paul West, East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Cabinet member for environment and transport, said :

“Please do share with us your opinion on this proposal, how it could be shaped and if you think this would be of benefit to Pocklington.
The proposal will only proceed if it receives majority support. The planned carriageway improvement works will be unaffected by the outcome of this survey.”

The council’s local growth team will be visiting town centre businesses over the coming weeks, supported by attendance at the market on Tuesday 2 April and the Pocklington Town Council Annual Town Meeting on Wednesday 17 April. Paper copies of the survey are also available from, and can be returned to, the Pocklington Town Council Offices.

The survey can be accessed at:
This survey will close on Monday, 6 May, 2024.

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