Late in June I wrote about my concern that Humberside police seem to be running down staffing levels at Pocklington Police station.

Since then, I have tried to get more information from Humberside Police and our local Councillors.

I sent a Freedom of Information request to Humberside Police on 19 June but to date they have not responded therefore breaking their policy of replying within 20 working days.

Last night Cllr Hammond posted on his Facebook page saying that he has met with the Police and Crime Commissioner, and everything is fine. He also wrote to me but failed to answer questions about Police communications with the public which I raised with him several weeks ago.

These are the facts which I have been able to put together with information from Cllr Cousins and Hammond.

  1. The public have not been able to get access to Pocklington police station for several weeks due to the fact that Helen, the enquiry officer who sat at the front desk has retired. I understand she will be replaced by the end of August.
  2. Cllrs Cousins and Hammond have been assured that Pocklington will remain staffed 24/7.
  3. The staff based at Pocklington cover a large area which includes a large area from Goole, Kexby (border with NYP) Stamford Bridge. Up to Driffield and as far as North Cave. Market Weighton, Stamford Bridge and Sutton Upon Derwent.
  4. Staffing in Pocklington includes 9 response officers covering 4 set pattern shift (24hrs). Plus the community team led by a sergeant (recently transferred to Driffield), a PC and 2 PCSO’s
  5. Compared with Goole communications from Pocklington Police is very poor and it is virtually impossible to find anyone willing to talk about local policing issues. Cllr Hammond has agreed to raise this with the PCC.

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