If you recently received a polling card telling you about a forthcoming referendum please don’t disregard it as it will act as a reminder for you to cast your vote for the Pocklington Neighbourhood Plan on Thursday 29 June 2023. You can also vote by post.
The plan is a very important document as it will guide planners and developers for the foreseeable future. It has been put together by local volunteers working with the town council and represents thousands of hours of work including public consultations.
The plan includes policies aimed at improving the quality, design and sustainability of future developments in our town.
The environmntal policies create local wildlife corridoors and support Pocklington’s role as a regional biodiversity hub.
The plan is held in high regard by the County Council and is becoming a benchmark for other plans.
Please try and find time to look at the plan. You can download it here:
You can also view the plan at the Pocklington library.
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