To mark The King’s Coronation thousands of organisations across the country are getting together to help out in their own local communities.

Monday 8th May
The Big Help Out will provide opportunities for residents of Pocklington, of all ages, to join in, lend a hand and make a change! If you can spare an hour, great! If you can spare longer, even better!
Volunteering opportunities:

  • litter picking around the town: 10am – 12 noon
  • weeding the ‘green areas’ of town: 10am – 12 noon
  • supporting All Saints Church with their Fun Day: 11am – 3pm. Volunteers needed to label and hoist teddies up the tower; to assist with tower tours; and to serve refreshments.


Tuesday 9th May

  • Pocklington Runners are looking for volunteers to help with their annual summer 10k race to serve refreshments: 6pm – 9pm


If you would like to support your community please contact Louise Partridge, Community Volunteer Coordinator: 07749 489885 or email: [email protected]

If you are a local group, with opportunities that could be met on this day, please contact Louise.

You can also find details on the Time 2 Volunteer website:

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