It’s good to see the Christmas tree in position and the rest of the decorations going up in the Town Centre this weekend. I’m sure we’re all looking forward to the switch on and Christmas Festival on 27 November.
Did you know the in many towns and villages local traders and businesses pay for the Xmas decorations in the hope that they will attract extra trade in addition to making the town look festive. For instance, in Cottingham the lights are installed by volunteers and partially supported by a Parish Council grant.
Here in Pocklington the lights are paid for by the residents through the parish precept which comes out of the council tax and installed by a contractor. There is no contribution from business rates.
This year the budget for the tree and all street decorations is £14,132. This led to a discussion at the last town council meeting about whether local businesses should be paying as they do elsewhere. There were suggestions about approaching Sainsburys, local developers and local businesses to see if they would be willing to sponsor the lights.
Who do you think should pay for the lights?

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