Pocklington Ramblers

Venue: Meeting place depends on walk location.
Address: Pocklington, England YO42, United Kingdom
  • We have 8 groups, of which Pocklington is one, who organise hundreds of led walks every year.
  • We have footpath working groups who help to maintain footpaths in good condition
  • We respond to planning applications and consultations where rights of way might be affected.
  • The website provides specific details on the start point of each walk, The start time is normally 10am, but the website shows a specific time. There is no need to book to join us, just turn up and introduce yourself to the leade
  • Who can attend? Anyone. Try 2 or 3 walks to see if you would like to join us.
  • Subscription/admission fee: £38.50 per year for an individual, £51.75 joint membership. You can also link up with other groups across the country.


Information provided by Martin.

Every Wednesday and weekend, usually a Sunday.

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