Pocklington Ramblers are celebrating their 20th Anniversary with a series of free walks over the weekend of the 4th and 5th of March with expert guides leading outings ranging from 2 miles to 20 miles.

Formed in February 2003 the Group’s first walk was held on the first Sunday in March that year.

Since then the regular walks, usually on a Wednesday and Sunday, together with annual coach outings and short walking breaks have seen over 20,000 miles of walks offered.

Based in Pocklington the Group has over 170 members from all over the East Riding and North Yorkshire with walks being led from start points in the Yorkshire Wolds as well as further afield, including the North York Moors and Yorkshire Coast.

Most walks attract between 10 and 25 attendees and anyone who wants to join us for a ‘taster walk’ on any of the regular sessions should just turn up at the start point with appropriate gear, especially stout boots or shoes, a drink, and a snack. Alternatively contact one of the Committee Members who will give you more information. Their details, and details of planned walks, are on the Pocklington Ramblers website, https://www.eastyorkshireramblers.org.uk/groups/pocklington

Kate Plumb, the Pocklington Group Chair said, ‘It is wonderful to celebrate this milestone in the history of the Group, especially as it offers so much benefit in terms of socialising and healthy exercise, improving the wellbeing of all those who take part’.
Anyone who wants to join any of the walks planned for the 20th Anniversary Weekend, should simply visit the website for further information of when and where to meet.

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